Seeding Veggies for Fall Harvest
As the heat of summer typically nears its peak in Minnesota in July, not many people have Fall on their mind. Vegetables, like tomatoes and peppers, are now starting to bear fruit and one doesn’t usually think about planting seeds. However, now is the perfect time to start seeding vegetables for fall harvest.
Although it is very hot out, by the time these vegetables are ready for harvest the temperatures have cooled down enough for them to thrive. Some perfect vegetables to seed are cold-tolerant vegetable such as Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and kale, which will survive a freeze. Other vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, peas, spinach, swiss chard, leaf lettuce, beets, and radishes will survive a frost. You can also seed some fresh herbs like cilantro and basil which have a short seed-to-harvest time.
To extend the season even further, cover your crops with a light frost cloth to help them keep producing. It’s best to direct seed these vegetables into a freshly tilled area. If you previously grew a spring crop in this area, be sure to remove all the old plant material. Rework the soil so it is a nice, soft seed bed for your new crops and add fertilizer, if desired, to ensure your new seeds have enough nutrients available. Since it has been an unusually dry summer make sure to keep the soil moist while your seed is germinating and until the seedlings are well established. Come fall you will have a bounty of fresh vegetables to enjoy!